So simple, even the CEO can figure it out.

Flat prioritizes simplicity, clarity, and friendliness over bells and whistles you don't need.

Flat prioritizes simplicity, clarity, and friendliness over bells and whistles you don't need.

Looking for something more in depth? Check out the Getting Started Guide.

Looking for something more in depth? Check out the Getting Started Guide.

Workspaces organize your organization.

Workspaces organize your organization.

See everything in progress, coming up, and being discussed. Know at a glance if something's blocked. And when the work is done? Archive it to build up a searchable knowledge base.



Capture how topics roll up to larger goals, or break down into smaller ones.



Capture how topics roll up to larger goals, or break down into smaller ones.


Progress bars

Progress bars driven by checklists quickly convey how much remains to be done.


Progress bars

Progress bars driven by checklists quickly convey how much remains to be done.



Blockers make it obvious when a topic can’t move forward — and tell you why.



Blockers make it obvious when a topic can’t move forward — and tell you why.



Create a topic for everything your team needs to deliver, discuss, or keep track of.



Create a topic for everything your team needs to deliver, discuss, or keep track of.



Know exactly where every topic stands in easily-customized workflows.



Know exactly where every topic stands in easily-customized workflows.

Topics capture everything about all the things.

Topics capture everything about all the things.

You've heard "get on the same page"? Well, here's the page. Flat's topics let you keep context, resources, status, and conversations together — with zero extra work.


Status headers

Track the who, where, what, and when. Topics can have one owner and many collaborators.



Easily break work down into smaller tasks to keep track of progress. Tasks can have owners and due dates, too.



Easily break work down into smaller tasks to keep track of progress. Tasks can have owners and due dates, too.



Focused, async conversations that can't be missed. See (much) more on this below.



Focused, async conversations that can't be missed. See (much) more on this below.


Built-in documents

Keep detailed context (like what needs to be done and why) together with all the links and files.


Built-in documents

Keep detailed context (like what needs to be done and why) together with all the links and files.

Comment threads are as easy as chat, minus the anxiety.

Comment threads are as easy as chat, minus the anxiety.

Ask questions, make requests, and raise issues without worrying about them becoming dropped balls. And automatically build up a searchable record of decisions over time. Bonus: collaborate without destroying each other's focus all day.

Ask questions, make requests, and raise issues without worrying about them becoming dropped balls.


Never wonder who's on it

Just tick the box to make it clear who's responsible for following up.


Never wonder who's on it

Just tick the box to make it clear who's responsible for following up.


Never wonder who's on it

Just tick the box to make it clear who's responsible for following up.


Call attention to problems

Blockers are special threads for highlighting problems. And unlike chat messages, they stick around until the issue's resolved.


Call attention to problems

Blockers are special threads for highlighting problems. And unlike chat messages, they stick around until the issue's resolved.


Get to resolution

Threads are designed for focused, async conversations that resolve to decisions or actions — not aimless, endless chats.


Get to resolution

Threads are designed for focused, async conversations that resolve to decisions or actions — not aimless, endless chats.

Your planner pulls it all together.

Your planner pulls it all together.

You can't do everything at once. But you can see all of your work across all workspaces, and prioritize it simply, in your personal planner.


Plan and dates views

Prioritize everything on your plate into simple now/next/later buckets. And stay on top of upcoming deadlines.


Plan and dates views

Prioritize everything on your plate into simple now/next/later buckets. And stay on top of upcoming deadlines.



See everything that you haven't prioritized yet. And maybe just knock it out.



See everything that you haven't prioritized yet. And maybe just knock it out.


See each other's plans

Make sure you're aligned on priorities without having to chat. Or see why they haven't gotten to your thing yet.


See each other's plans

Make sure you're aligned on priorities without having to chat. Or see why they haven't gotten to your thing yet.

Find what you need — and what needs you.

Find what you need — and what needs you.

Instant search lets you quickly find answered questions and the context for decisions. And the threads menu lets you see all your currently assigned threads.


Global search

Find what you're looking for across all your workspaces, in open topics or archived ones.


Global search

Find what you're looking for across all your workspaces, in open topics or archived ones.


Global search

Find what you're looking for across all your workspaces, in open topics or archived ones.


Pending threads

See all open threads assigned to you, so nothing gets lost in the shuffle.


Pending threads

See all open threads assigned to you, so nothing gets lost in the shuffle.

That’s (almost) all there is to it.

That’s (almost) all there is to it.

Learn more in the Getting Started Guide — or don't! With no complex setup or learning curve, your team can be up and running in five minutes… flat.

Copyright © 2024 Constructor, Inc. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Copyright © 2024 Constructor, Inc.

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.